Wednesday, September 12, 2007
2nd Annual Northwest Seerah Conference

Narrated Abu Huraira Allah's Apostle said,"If My slaves loves the meeting with Me, I too love the meeting with him; and if he dislikes the meeting with Me, I too dislike the meeting with him."
Seerah Conference ke 2 yang mengambil tempat di Univ. of Washington merupakan event yang sangat penting karena panitia dengan sukses mengundang keynote speaker para imam dari berbagai penjuru US dan Canada. Salah satu sponsornya adalah Assyifa, dimana Br. Jeremy beserta team-nya sudah sejak lama mempersiapkan event ini.
Event yang sarat dengan ilmu berlangsung sukses sejak 9.00am -9.30pm.
Topik tahun ini adalah Al Mualim A Messenger and A Teacher. Program schedule terbagi menjadi Main Track dan Family Track sehingga para pendengar bisa memilih topik yang diinginkan.
The speakers:
Imam Mohammad Joban (Redmond, WA) dengan topik Al Mualim, Building 'Khairo Ummah" (The Best Nation), Our Homes Center of Learning.
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Khan (Chicago) dengan topik Al Mualim, Messago for All Times, Thinking outside the masjid, Prophet Muhammad SAW-Mercy to Mankind.
Imam Tahir Anwar (California) dengan topik The Teacher of Hope, Are you too good for your spouse?
Dr. Hamed Al-Ghazali (Canada) dengan topik Role of Qur'an in Guiding the Seerah of Prophet SAW and His Companions, The Great Abrahamic Prophet-A source of Unity for the modern world, Prophet Mohammad SAW - Mercy to Mankind.
Ustaz Amr Khalifa (Oregon) dengan topik Prophet SAW and Household, Thinking Outside the masjid, Prophet Muhammad SAW - Mercy to Mankind.
Sheikh Abdul Bary Yahya (Seattle, WA) dengan topik Choosing a Spouse or Life Partner, Connecting with Allah SWT - Graduating from the Prophet's SAW School, Thinking outside the masjid.
Sebagai penutup..Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said:"Facilitate thing to people (concerning religious matters), and do not make it hard for them and give them good tidings and do not make them run away (from Islam)."
Bila ingin memiliki rekaman lengkap para keynote speakers dalam bentuk CD silakan menghubungi Br. Jeremy, email atau (206)235-8969. CD seharga US$5.00 plus biaya pengiriman via pos. For complete conference materials from the speakers pls contact Br. Jeremy. The CD is US$5.00 + postal shipping.
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