Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Remembering Sr. Faridah Hanim

Innalilahi wa inna illaihi ra'jiun.....

Good bye my dearest friend. May Allah accept your ibadah, good deeds and hajj niah for this year. She passed away on February 2, 2008 in Malaysia due to kidney failure. She was 51, survived with Yusoff Chik (husband) and two beautiful grown up children Irfan and Amalina Yusoff.
This is a family picture during Assyifa picnic in June 2007, from left Irfan (son), Br Yusoff (husband), and herself. Her daughter Nina wasn't in Seattle during photo taken.

People especially sisters love her very much and they couldn't believe that she was gone forever. She was such a passionate and sincere person during her lifetime.
Below is notes, story, condolences as much pray during her critical conditions and when she finally passed away.

Some of pictures during ta'jiyah/du'a at Malays gathering. Klik here.

Imam Mohammad Joban said
Ina Le Allah wa ina Ilayee Larajeeon

We will miss her a lot, everybody remember her dedication on the last Wedding at MAPS, her smiling, her work hard, her care about community....may Allah forgive her sins and admit her ento Jannah Alfirdaus... and may Allah give sobar to br Yusuf and his family, amin. Please include in your do’a to make do’a for her, today is good day, Friday.

Br. Jeremy said,
Ina Le Allah wa ina Ilayee Larajeeon,
It is with great sadness and deep sorrow that we have lost a great member in our community Sister Farida Hanim passed away last night from kidney failure. I ask Allah swt to clean her from any sin and may He be pleased with her and accepts all her Ibadah and good deeds. May He enter her in the janat al fardous. I ask Allah swt to give patience to her Family Brother Yusuf, her Daughter Sister Nina and Brother Irfan.
Hum al sabeekoon wa nahnoo Al ahheekoon.
Ya ayatoha al nafs al motmaina Irjaee ila rabekee radaysat mardeya wadkholle fee ibadee wa idkholee janatee.
Please I ask all of us to make a doaah to our beloved Sister Faridah May Allah swt forgive her. With tears falling from my eyes.

Thank you,

Linda Irsyad said
Personally I know Sr. Faridah since I moved to Seattle 7 years ago. During the oldies she often used bicycle to visit me. Our friendship has been growing ever since and we've been close to each other during happy and difficult times. She's one of my dearest friend, a sister and I feel very sad and deeply loss to hear this shocking news.
She taught us alot by sincere actions, reached out many people without choosing race or religion. She couldn't and never drove during her lifetime; therefore, public transport was her main transport. Every year we did many projects, events for community and we both enjoyed very much. I called her Martha Stewart ala Malaysian since she was very crafty, paid attention to the details and loved entertaining. Her most well known event was Lady Tea Party. Sisters who were lucky to be invited included both well known Imam's wifes in Bellevue treated as a queen of the day. She will choosed fine china and selected dishes to celebrate this wonderful event.
Sometimes also we argued for such a things but in the end it was for own personal and religion enrichment. I had too many beautiful memories with her but one thing before she left she mentioned that she wants to see Ka'bah with her lovely hubby during Hajj this year.
She died peacefully with smile and tears in her face at Selangor hospital after she heard surah Yassin surrounded by husband, kids, family and friends. She was buried at her hometown Alor Star, Kedah, Malaysia.
Abang Yusoff, Irfan and Nina... may Allah give you strength and patience during this difficult time. Allah knows best for all of us.

Wassalam Wr.Wb
dear friends
Linda & Ichad

Indra Gautama said
Innalillahi wa inna illaihi rojiun

Turut berduka cita yang sedalam-dalamnya atas meninggalnya Sr. Farida Hanim
Semoga arwah almarhumah mendapatkan tempat yang layak disisiNya dan diampuni dosa-dosanya.
Kami sangat terkejut berita duka ini , tidak percaya beliau meninggalkan kita secepat ini. Rasanya baru kemarin kita bercanda ria dirumah Br. Hashim dan tidak nampak tanda2 adanya penyakit bagi almarhumah. Allah knows best, semoga ini yang terbaik buat Sr. Farida Hanim.

Semoga Br. Yusuf , Irfan and Nina diberikan ketabahan dalam menghadapi cobaan dari Allah.

Indra, Lis dan anak2

Tonny Soeharto said

Four days ago.....she e-mailed us from Malaysia.....
She and her family had planned to go to Bali Island in Indonesia...but Allah called her to a place that all of us will be invited to.

We (the last wedding committee members) all know that she was one of the most important people in the committee because she played a very important job - decorating the wedding stages for both the groom and bride.

Now we missed her at a very sudden...

O Allah...forgive and have mercy upon her...excuse her and pardon her...and make honourable her reception....Expand her entry....and cleanse her with water, snow and ice...and purify her of sin as a white robe is purifiedn of filth...Exchange her home for a better home...Admit her into the Garden (i.e. Jannah)...Protect her from punishment of the grave and the torment of the Fire...Amin.

For pak Yusoff, Irfan and Nina...
Please accept our deepest condolences..may Allah give you all patience and tawakkal...

Tonny, Wawung, Adi and Mitha...

Reva and Lisa said
I only known her for a few months, and I feel like I've known her forever.She's a very nice and kind lady.I'm sure everybody who knows her must have feel a great loss for a warm person such as she was.

Goodbye, Sister Farida.May Allah SWT give you the best place beside HIM, accept your ibadah and your good deeds.Our thoughts and pray will be with you.And I hope the family she left behind Br.Yusof, Irfan and Nina, will have strength to deal with their loss. Mush as we love Sr.Farida, we know that Allah SWT love her more.

Innalilahi wa inna illaihi Rojiuun....

Reva & Lisa Ardana Putri

Marlina Soerakoesoemah said
May God recompense her for her affliction and replace it with something better.
We miss her deeply.
With peace and love,
Nina (with crocheting boys Hakim and Ihsan)

Azizah Shibly said
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

Kami sekeluarga turut berduka cita atas panggilan Allah kepada sister farida hanin.....Ya Allah bukakan pintu syurgaMu yang selapang lapangnya untuk sister farida, ampunkan dosa2nya, terima amal ibadahnya.....dan tempatkan dia ditempat yang sebaik2nya disisiMu........

Buat brother yusuf, irfan , nina dan seluruh keluarga yang di tinggal semoga diberi ketabahan dan kekuatan dalam menerima ujian ini dan meng-ikhlaskan panggilan Allah untuk sister farida

turut berduka cita
muhammad musa, azizah,nadia zahraa', abdulhakeem,luqman musa shibly

Ibu Ani Untung-Singapore said
Inna lillahi wainna ilaihi rajiun.
Sangat sedih mummy menerima berita kepergian Kak Farida-mu anak,tidak sangka orang yang sebegitu baik,periang,penolong dan suka bersahabat serta masih muda telah pergi mendahului meninggalkan kita semua sechepat itu.
Belum sempat mummy membalas kebaikannya of her precious time spent and warm hospitality extended to mummy when you were very busy at work she was so kind to let me at least see many part of Seattle till late evening,she was so sweet to send me home after inviting mummy to her big and beautiful house and eat at her place with another nice and kind-hearted "anak angkat" mummy,Linda.We were very happy and had fun.
Semoga Allah mengampuni dosanya baik yang disengaja maupun tidak,serta menerima semua amal jariahnya dan membalas kebaikannya dengan tempat yang terbaik disisiNya serta dilapangkan kuburnya dan dilindungi rohnya dari azab kubur,Amin ya Rabbil Aalamin!

Adron Yusoff said
Innalilalhi Wa inna ilaihi Rojiun.

"Everything from Allah will come back to Him"

Kami sekeluarga turut berduka cita sedalam dalam nya atas berpulangnya ke Rahmatullah saudari kita sister Farida. Semoga amal ibadah beliau di terima Allah dengan sempurna. Dan kepada pak Yusuf dan anak2 semoga sabar dan berlapang dada dalam menghadapi musibah berat ini. Tidak ada sepatah kata pun yang bisa menyejukkan perasaan, hanya Allah lah yang bisa menentramkan hati kita.

Kami sekeluarga sangat terkejut mendengar berita musibah ini. Pikiran dan kenangan2 bersama keluarga pak Yusuf dan sister Farida dalam berbagai acara pengajian terus bersama kami. Doa kami semoga sister Faridah mendapat kemudahan didalam kubur dan Allah menempatkan beliau di jannatul Firdaus.


Adron, Asma, Tariq, Sahrief and Sakina.

Gemini Bangun Putra said
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun..
Kami sekeluarga turut berduka cita sedalam-dalamnya atas kembalinya alm.Kak Farida.
Do'a kami selalu untukmu kak Farida.
Ya Allah..tempatkan kak Farida di tempat yg terbaik.Ampunilah dosanya,maafkanlah segala kesalahannya,terimalah segala amal ibadahnya.Amin Ya robbal Alamin.
Kak Farida..terima kasih telah menjadi teman yg terbaik selama ini.Segala kebaikan dan nasehat kak Farida,tidak akan kami lupakan.Semoga menjadi amalan yg tak terputus untuk kak Farida.Amin.
Untuk Abang Yusoff, Irfan and Nina,semoga tabah dan sabar menghadapi.
Gemini& keluarga.

Norsharinah Aris said
InnaLillah wa inna Illahi rajiuun..
Assalammualaikum, in tears and shock I am trying to do this, we in Gold Bar Wa. are going to miss you speechlessly so much.My kids are so sadden , me and my husband and all my family in singapore and k.l been doa and praying for her suffering less through this time. She was always there next to me in any gathering and it won't be the same without her. Abang Yousof, Nina and Irfan our door is always open if you guys need anything at all, because I know sister Faridah always there to help or be there for me and family. She so awesome and its hard to have anybody like her. She was the kind that make feel you are loved and special when ones is next to her. Again I'm honored to know her. I'm so deeply sadden from losing you my sister Faridah. Like I told her before I will never forget her. We love you so much. She always give peace, comfort and love to all that I know. May Allah grant her peace, comfort and love, too and more now and the hereafter. The dearest husband and children she left behind may Allah shower you all with patience, strength and blessing and prayer till you'll meet her again.

Norsharinah, Abdul Wahid And Anak2.

Afifah Siddiq said
Innalillahi Wainna lillahi Rojiiuun,

May Allah accept all her ibadah and put her in the highest place in Jannah. Ameen
I am deeply shocked as I can picture her giving out chocolate to my kids in MAPS not long ago. We pray that her family will be strong and patient in facing this test.

Afifah, AbdulMalik and family

Nur Djuned said
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun
Kami sekeluarga turut berduka cita atas kepergian Sister Farida.
May Allah bless and accept her Soul

وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُمْ بِشَيْءٍ مِنْ الْخَوْفِ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِنْ الأَمْوالِ وَالأَنفُسِِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ وَبَشِّرْ الصَّابِرِينَ

"Be sure we will test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives, but give glad tidings to those who are steadfast, who say when afflicted with calamity: To Allah we belong and to him is our return. They are those on who (DESCEND) blessings from Allah and mercy and they are the once that receive guidance. (2:155)

-Djuned Family

Faisal Aminy said
Inna lillahi wa Ina Ilaihirojiuun

Rasanya masih terasa di lidah ini Lepok Duren buatan nya
Rasanya masih tampak jelas dimata ini sibuk nya engkau mengatur, medekor, memanage malam Hina dan pernikahan br Rayan & sister Wien.
Jika siang tadi kami mendengar suara guntur yg menggelegar, tak akan kami seterkejut saat mendengar kepergianmu.

Sister Farida, tak ada lagi kata2 yang dapat terucap atas kepergianmu, selain du'a semata. Semoga Allah SWT membalas semua amal ibadah mu dan menempatkan mu di Surga Firdaus, Amiin.

Kepada pak Yusuf kami berdu'a semoga Allah SWT memberikan kekuatan, kesabaran dan tawaqal menghadapi ujian Nya, Amin ya robbal alamiin

Faisal Aminy dan keluarga

Janice Tufte said
Asalamu Alaikum

InshaAllah Sister Farida Allah( SWT) will have mercy on her and count all her good deeds which were many, InshaAllah she will be accepted into the highest areas of the heavens.

Please InshaAllah many blessings and strength for Br Yusuf, Sr Nina, Br Irfan. If I could help in any way please let me know.
Yesterday AM I heard she was sick and now she has left on her way into the highest Heavens, InshaAllah ,after having all of her good deeds weighed by those that keep track. May Allah(SWT) have mercy on her.
I am tearing and miss her if their is a janazza gathering let me know, please.

She helped me so much, we had our differences though that is what makes a good friendship, appreciating each other for what we do and who we really are. Many blessings from Allah (SWT) our befecator and guide.
She also had a very big heart full of love and compassion, Thanks to her she made others lives easier.


Inong Charlie said
Innalillahi wa inna illaihi raji'un

Kami sekeluarga turut berduka cita atas berpulangnya Sr. Farida Hanim. Semoga Allah Swt mengampuni dosa dosanya, menerima semua amal saleh selama hidupnya dan menempatkan almarhumah ditempat yang layak disisiNya.
I remember before I left for Hajj 2006 she gave me a little gift for my children and I. It was very kind of her. Untuk keluarga yg ditinggal semoga diberikan ketabahan.


Dian, Charlie, and family

Rini Gafur said
Inna lillaahi wainnna ilaihi rooji'uun

Kami turut berduka cita atas berpulangnya sister Farida Hanim ke hadirat Allah SWT, semoga arwah beliau diterima dan ditempatkan di tempat yang mulia oleh-Nya. Amin. Beliau adalah sosok yang sangat baik dan mengagumkan. Kepada keluarga yang ditinggalkan semoga diberikan ketabahan dan kekuatan serta kesabaran dalam menerima ujian ini.

Yang turut berduka,
Abdul Gafur, Rini dan Halimah

Derina DM said

Ina le Allahi wa Ina Ilayee la rajeeon,

Insya Allah belum terlambat untuk mengutarakan belasungkawa kepada keluarga Sister Farida. Saya dapat berita dari Irma Hanna dan saya sangat terkejut bahwa Sister Farida telah dipanggil kerahmatullah. Namun mohon maaf saya tidak langsung mengutarakan belasungkawa ini - maafkan saya. Saya Derina dan keluarga turut berduka cita atas kepergian sister Farida, insya Allah segala amal ibadahnya diterima oleh Allah dan dibersihkan segala dosa-dosa nya, bagi keluarga yang ditinggalkan semoga diberikan sabar, takwa dan tabah dari Allah.

Dan saya selalu ingat hari pertama saya bergabung pengajian Asy-syifa, sister Farida menawarkan Jilbab kepada saya, dan saya membelinya - Jilbabnya masih ada bersama saya dan kadang saya pakai dipengajian. Insya Allah amal ibadah kak Farida terus berjalan dan selalu diterima oleh Allah dan ditempatkan sister Farida di Firdaus di sisi Allah. Amiin


Derina, Scot and Family

Agung Soehedi said
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun

Kami sekeluarga turut berduka cita yang se dalam dalamnya atas kepergian Sister Farida.
Semoga Allah mengampuni dosa dosanya dan menerima amal ibadahnya serta yang ditinggal diberi kekuatan dan ketabahan.

Agung & Kel.

Hayat Nurjaman said
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un
Br Yusuf kami sekeluarga turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya Sister Farida.
Semoga Almarhumah diterima segala amal kebaikannya, iman dan islamnya.
Keluarga yang di tinggalkan diberi kesabaran dan ketabahan dalam menghadapi ujian dan takdir Alloh SWT.
Hayat sekeluarga

Eric Salman said
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun

Brother Yusuf, kami sekeluarga turut berduka cita sedalam-dalam nya atas kepergian sister Farida. InsyaAllah, segala amal ibadah beliau di terima Allah SWT.

Eric Salman & Family.

Arif Sukoco said
Innalillahi wa ina ilayhi raji'un.
My family and I send our deepest condolences to Brother Yusuf and family, and our prayers go to Allah SWT to accept all her ibadah and to forgive any wrongdoing. Amin.
Arif, Dewi and family

Amad Y said
Prophet SAW said no muslim faced with affliction and says

Inna Lillah wa-Inna Ilayhi rajjAAoon, Allahuma Ajjurni Fe Musebati Wa’akhluflee Khayran Menha

“To Allah we belong and unto him is our return, O Allah recompense me for my affliction and replace it for me with some thing better.

Except Allah recompenses him with his affliction and replace him with some thing better.

Our deepest symphaty to Br. Yusoff, Irfan, Nina


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