Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Charity Scarves Project (update)

Dalam kesempatan ini, editor Serambi ingin menyampaikan kemajuan dari Assyifa Charity Scarves project. Alhamdulillah sejak diumumkan bulan April 2006 yang lalu, kami mendapat cukup sumbangan dana untuk pembelian benang dan hasilnya sudah terbuat 70 hand knit/crochet scarves.
Para knitters yang non-muslim pun turut membantu suksesnya program ini. Deadlinenya masih dibulan pertengahan November 2006 ini, tetapi untuk pengiriman pertama di bulan Ramdhan ini, Sr. Faridah dan Sr. Janice akan mengkoordinir penyerahan scarves di beberapa shelter sekitar Seattle yang didalamnya juga terdapat muslims baik dewasa dan anak-anak.

Baru-baru ini kami menghadiri Seattle Knitting Guild monthly meeting di Seattle; dimana dalam kesempatan itu kami menceritakan dan memberikan presentasi sehubungan dengan projek yang telah dikerjakan. Alhamdulillah projek kami mendapat tanggapan positif dari para peserta.

Berikut kutipan dari Sr. Janice yang diantaranya program ini masih membutuhkan volunteer knitter dan crocheter. Siapa saja boleh berpartisipasi dan bisa menghubungi Sr. Faridah, Sr. Janice ataupun saya.
Sister Janice wrote:
Sister Farida Hanim and sister Linda both from As-Syifa group have been creating scarves for the homeless for months, they have spent alot of time and have made some very beautiful scarves for this compromised community. Perhaps 50 scarves or so have been made by these two and their charitable concerned non-muslim neighbors .
Also Sister Farida Hanim and Linda thought it would be nice to have some children make Ramadan cards for the shelter(Sabika's group) and maybe a dinner could also be brought for the Muslims and non-to share by the Bellevue Sisters as part of Sadaqa during Ramadan.
I am swamped over on the west side organizing knitters/crocheters still receiving 3-5 calls or e-mails per day. I am organzing which 12-20 shelters the remaining almost 1000 scarves will be going. I have no help with this and am really hoping InshaAllah us as a Muslim sisterhood could help sister Farida Hanim organize this Sadaqa effortof helping her deliver the scarves during Ramadan , which needs to
have organzied the children making cards for the children in the shelter and also a dinner made by perhaps a couple of other sisters from Bellevue.
What we need now is to help this Ramadan Sadqa succeed is:
1) We needs cards made for children
2) Sister Farida Hanim and Linda have the scarves as gifts to the # ammount in
shelter ( # of children # of adults)
3) coordination and delivery with car Alhamdulilah
For helping our Ummah that are in shelters as well as non-muslims that also see us making a difference and not just the christians .
In the west sisde the shelters I will be delivering scarves to have Muslims waiting for housing in them, the numbers are not large though almost EVERY shelter has Muslims in them, mostly women and children